B2C Entertainment, the renowned Ugandan music trio, has announced that they will celebrate their 10-year journey in the music industry with a special concert. Originally scheduled for May 10, 2024, the group had to change their plans after fellow artist Ray G announced his concert for the same date.
The clash in scheduling led B2C Entertainment to graciously step aside, allowing Ray G to hold his event without competition. However, the trio is now gearing up to mark their decade-long career with a concert titled ‘10 Years of B2C’.
According to the event poster shared on their social media platforms, the celebration is now set for May 9, 2025. The concert will take place at Hotel Africana Kampala, a popular venue known for hosting major entertainment events in Uganda.
B2C Entertainment has promised to reveal more details about the event in their upcoming communications, building anticipation among their fans and the Ugandan music community.
This concert will be a significant milestone for B2C Entertainment, reflecting on their growth and successes over the past ten years in the music industry.