Alfonso Andrew Mukasa, popularly known as Bajjo Events, made headlines recently after a video clip of him attending a lecture at Makerere University Business School (MUBS) went viral. The clip captured the moment Bajjo returned to school after a 15-year hiatus, sparking a wave of reactions from his followers.
While some supporters speculated that the move was a publicity stunt, others applauded his decision to pursue higher education. Fellow events promoter and businessman, Hon. Balaam Barugahara, who also serves as the Minister of Gender and Labor for Youth and Children Affairs, congratulated Bajjo on his enrollment. However, he advised him to study quietly to avoid potential embarrassment if he faces academic challenges.
Balaam also noted that Bajjo’s return to school is linked to his ambition to contest for the Kampala Lord Mayoral seat in the upcoming general election. He expressed optimism that if Bajjo secures the necessary academic qualifications and wins the election, he could play a key role in addressing the issues facing Kampala and its surrounding areas.