Musician Christopher Evans Kaweesi, popularly known as Chris Evans, has publicly voiced his frustration after being repeatedly ignored by songstress Irene Ntale. In a candid interview, the “Linda” hitmaker revealed that he has harbored a crush on Irene Ntale since the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. Despite his persistent efforts to initiate a conversation with her, Evans disclosed that his messages have gone unanswered, leaving him feeling disheartened.
Chris Evans shared that he has sent multiple direct messages (DMs) to Ntale, hoping to connect with her. However, his attempts were met with silence as he was “blue-ticked” and ignored. To his dismay, Ntale recently showed interest in collaborating with trending musician Lil Pazo, following the release of his controversial song “Enkudi.”
“I started sending her messages in 2020, and she never replied. But it only took Lil Pazo to release his ‘Enkudi’ song to get her attention and win her over,” Chris Evans lamented. “She first replied to my greeting, but when she saw that I was getting to the point, she started blue-ticking me,” he added, while displaying the messages that were snubbed by Ntale.
The rejection has left Evans particularly disturbed, not only because of his unrequited admiration but also due to the nature of Lil Pazo’s content. Chris Evans criticized the explicit lyrics in Lil Pazo’s music, arguing that such material has no place in the industry. He expressed concern over the media’s role in promoting what he considers vulgar music.
“I will quit music if it gets to the level that we all have to sing vulgar songs to make it,” Evans declared. He further blamed the media for giving artists like Lil Pazo a platform, claiming that their frequent appearances on television are fueling the spread of explicit content. “They are always on our televisions doing interviews from time to time. He even bagged Irene Ntale, a woman that I have pursued since COVID times,” Evans expressed with disappointment.
Since its release, Lil Pazo’s “Enkudi” has faced widespread backlash from both fellow artists and music lovers, who argue that the obscene lyrics are harmful to society. Chris Evans went a step further by calling for Lil Pazo’s arrest, stating that it would serve as a lesson to other artists that such material is unacceptable.
“Even if he spends just one night in prison, it will show the rest of the world that vulgar music is not acceptable,” Evans stated. “This will change the narrative that you can sing vulgar music and get away with it,” he concluded.