Popular comedian Maulana Kasozi, known for his role in the comedy duo Reign and Maulana, has been released from custody after spending two nights behind bars on charges of family neglect.
Kasozi appeared before the Resident State Attorney Mwanga II Court in Mengo, where he was ordered to annually provide his family with Shs10M to cover expenses such as school fees, rent, and food.
The charges stemmed from complaints filed by his first wife, Shubira Betty Nalujja, who alleged that Kasozi had failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a parent.
This isn’t the first time Kasozi’s personal life has made headlines. In 2023, Shubira accused him of domestic violence, leading to their separation. However, Kasozi’s failure to meet his financial obligations persisted even after their split.
Following the court hearing, Shubira left with a smile on her face, content with the financial support provided for a year’s worth of expenses. She expressed relief, stating that she could now live without the burden of financial worries.
It’s worth noting that Kasozi’s recent brush with the law wasn’t his first encounter with authorities. He was previously apprehended under bizarre circumstances, accused of evading arrest by disguising himself as a chicken thief.
Kasozi’s release marks a pivotal moment in his ongoing legal saga, emphasizing the importance of meeting familial responsibilities and the consequences of neglecting them.