One of the few public appearances Juliana Kanyomozi has made since her concert was at the just concluded World of Sounds concert where she performed alongside Myko Ouma the main act of the night, Maurice Kirya, Kenneth Mugabi, A Pass, and many other fine artists.
Juliana has gained some weight, in some of the clips she looked pregnant. Could she be carrying her third baby?
While catching up with The Truth Gossip for a quick chat, Juliana responded to some of the questions and dodged some.
When asked by Dius Walugembe why she’s not releasing any new projects of late, Juliana said she’s compiling an album.
She noted being in the studio with the industry’s best producers and artists and the body of work could be released in the near future.
When asked why she rejected a leadership role in the Uganda Musicians Association, Juliana Kanyomozi said she had a lot that was keeping her busy at the time which explains why she’s rarely on media.
She also commented on the Cindy Vs Sheebah battle saying the situation reminded the public that Cindy is super talented but what made it ugly was the online trolls and the insults from either camp to the counterpart.
She added that as Ugandan artists they still have a long way to go since they’ve not put that mark on the African music map like the Nigerians have done.
She asked Ugandan artists to become more aggressive like the Nigerians who will travel to the US for big events just to learn and promote their music not only traveling for shows and concerts.
In her Independence Day message, Juliana urged Ugandans to work hard for their needs and asked men to be responsible and take care of the kids they father.
She then denied being pregnant off-camera.