Kalifah AgaNaga has voiced his frustration with fellow Ugandan artist Bebe Cool, accusing him of misusing video equipment provided by the government, which has negatively impacted the quality of music videos produced by other Ugandan artists.
AgaNaga claims that the government supplied video cameras to support the local music industry, but alleges that Bebe Cool has monopolized the use of this equipment for his own personal projects, such as shooting his demos.
According to AgaNaga, this act of selfishness has prevented other artists from accessing the tools necessary to produce high-quality music videos, which he believes is a key reason why Ugandan music videos struggle to compete with those from other regions.
AgaNaga has called on Bebe Cool to make the government-provided cameras available to all artists, arguing that since the equipment was intended to uplift the entire music industry, it should not be monopolized by a single individual.
He emphasized that he should not be charged for using the cameras, as they were provided by the President to enhance the quality of the local music scene. AgaNaga further suggested that he should be allowed to shoot at least two videos for free using the government-provided equipment.
He believes that access to these resources would enable him to create higher-quality videos, helping him to reach international markets and reinvest in even more advanced production tools. AgaNaga’s call for equitable access to these resources underscores the ongoing challenges faced by many artists in Uganda’s music industry, where issues of resource allocation and fairness continue to spark debate.