MC Ollo, legally known as Stanley Odong, has made a heartfelt plea to the public for assistance in helping his 23-year-old sister, who is critically ill and battling severe kidney complications.
In a recent interview, MC Ollo revealed that his sister has been on dialysis for some time, a treatment that has become increasingly difficult for the family to afford. Bedridden at Nsambya Hospital, she requires dialysis four times a week, a costly procedure that has strained their financial resources.
The gravity of the situation has led MC Ollo to appeal for help, particularly in finding a kidney donor. He expressed his willingness to accept any donation that could save his sister’s life. “Whoever is willing to donate a kidney to my sister is welcome,” he pleaded, highlighting the urgency of their need.
MC Ollo shared that his sister’s battle with kidney issues began during her A-level studies and worsened when she joined university, eventually leading to her hospitalization. Despite the challenges, there is hope; he mentioned that a kidney transplant could be performed at Mulago Hospital if a suitable donor is found. The cost of the procedure is estimated at UGX 70 million, which, though substantial, is more affordable compared to treatment abroad.
MC Ollo’s public appeal has touched many, and there is hope that his sister will receive the help she desperately needs.